Jan 23 2010

Experimental and brief


This is a very brief note as I test the iPhone WordPress client. I’ve been playing a lot the past few weeks and Bern most remiss in writing, a balance I need to adjust.

But for now, two observations made while working on the lower level alts:

1) the low level regions are quite empty, as though people have given up questing and are levelling only with instances. I have noted a good number of people have no idea how to get back to instances from the graveyard, suggesting they aren’t exploring.

2) too many people put up their hand to be tanks when they really are not equipped for it or no what to do. Mostly I see them being carried by good dps, particulary melée dps, but are really only getting through by good fortune. Deathknights seem particularly, but not uniquely, prone to this. Time and again I am seeing lowbie tanks rushing to aggro a lot of mobs, and frequently finding they can’t control them – if the melée dps pick up escaping mobs before they take out the healer all is well. But usually it’s a wipe.

Cataclysm will be good for the game, revitalizing tired old content. Oh. And another thing: man, you spend a lot of time travelling in the original content!