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Category Archives: Web

Matters related to the Web

Doing More With Less (Part 1 of N)

In recent weeks I have been massively overhauling the monitoring and alerting infrastructure. Most of the low-level box checks are easily handled by CloudWatch, and some of the more sophisticated trip-wires can be handled by looking for patterns in our logs, collated by LogStash and exported to Loggly. In either case, I have trip wires […]

Passwords definitely considered broken

So we have news of yet another major slurping-up of poorly secured credential sets. A column at the Guardian talks about all the usual measures that can be taken to more-or-less protect your multiple identities, but once again misses the two subtle and deeply geeky issues that underly this breach.

Deserialising Lists with Jersey

I very much like the way in which Jackson and Jersey interact to make building a RESTful interface with objects transported as JSON really, really simple. As an example, if we have on the server side a class like this: then consuming the service is joyfully simple (note that this is a slightly fudged about […]

When Typography Goes Bad

So I’ve just spent a very confused 15 minutes trying to figure out why something that cannot possibly go wrong was breaking. I’m working to get DynamoDBLocal up and running. It all looks very simple: download the tar ball, unpack it, and execute the Java invocation: java –Djava.library.path=. -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar Hmm. That’s odd: Error: Could […]

Toward a vision of Sustainable Server Programming

For a number of years I’ve been thinking that I should write down some of the ideas I’ve had and lessons I’ve learned over way too many years banging on a keyboard. In my head this has has always been centered around the vague label “sustainable server development”. Let me try to peel away some […]

All in a twitter.

There has been some talk already regarding the use of Twitter as Brisbane sank beneath the waves. Unfortunately all the talk I’ve seen so far has limited itself to merely cheering that the service was marevelous (for example, some of the talk over at The Drum), without examining what worked and what did not. As […]


I’m back to updating this site, and will soon publish a link on the main site page to it. For the time being, I’m transferring pieces from Deviant Art, backdating entries to roughly correspond to the publication date. It will be interesting to see how long this takes, as I’m testing the use of ecto […]

All The Cool Kids Are Doing It

Herewith the archetypal first post. This journal (at the time of writing barely configured) is not to be confused with Version 1 of The Occasional Masthead; The iBlog tests; The manually managed journal.