Jul 26 2010



In this brave new iWorld of iConnectivity and Internet iEverywhere, you would think that writing brief posts would be the perfect thing to fill the brief lacunae in the workday. Alas, typing much on the phone is a tedious experience. I am considering other portable options, so this post becomes a comparative test.

For the technologically curious, I am writing in an iPhone into a note, then will cut-and-paste into the wordpress client to publish.

All of which is sideways from what I intended to write about. After a few hours over the weekend Morkhaeus dinged 71. The last half of the level was achieved in four back-to-back runs of Utgarde Keep (an instance that is beautifully designed, but which I am now quite sick of).

By that experience, it will take 6-8 instance runs per level, mixed with questing. Which will mean something like 4-6 hours per level. The queues for DPS are excitingly long at the moment, usually at least half an hour. All of which makes it painful when an idiot shows up in the group.

Two of the runs had level 80 tanks – in one case a guild mate running folk through instances for the fun of it. And 7 out of 8 of the puggers on the other runs were cool. We wiped a bit, struggled a bit, and in short dealt with the dungeon at the level it was designed for. The 8th person was excruciating. A warrior signed up for melée DPS I noticed straight away he wasn’t doing much. Not that it mattered, the rest of us were doing ok. The tank wandered over to beat up a group in that initial forge area that didn’t need to be cleared, but we shrugged and went along. It was all XP. The warrior piped up to complain though, and when told it was quick XP responded “not for me I’m a twink”. Huh?

We shrugged, kept going to the first boss and downed him fine if a bit slow. Except the warrior just stood there. When queried he replied “I’m in follow”. Fastest group kick I’ve ever seen. The lock who turned up to replace him was efficient and useful.

The take away for me? Despite the presence of idiots, the reasonably pleasant and reasonably competent remain in the majority.