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Category Archives: Java


Having a little time up my sleeve, and a need to be off my feet for as much as possible… wait, did I mention that? Somewhere in the last six weeks I’ve done something undefined to my feet, which are painfully sore to walk on. I think that I managed to sprain one or more […]

Maven releases with Git

I’ve started to put various snippets of code up into GitHub, partly because they may be useful to other people, partly so that they are more accessible when I do not have my personal laptop with me. Yes, Virginia, I could put it all on a USB stick (and I probably will), but that poses […]


It’s rather annoying that in 2015 the ORM (Object-Relational-Mapping) problem is still tedious to deal with. While in general terms it is a solved problem – JPA and Hibernate and similar frameworks do the heavy lifting of doing the SQL queries for you and getting stuff in and out of the JDBC transport objects – […]

A Java Development Manifesto

I wrote this some years ago, mainly aimed at our java devs, but I think it comes close to my personal manifesto for coding in general.

A Certain Quality

Java is not the best of languages. There are plenty of languages better for particular niches or uses, and it’s littered with annoyances and prone to abuses. So are C, COBOL and Fortran. But it’s good enough almost always, and the environment that has grown up around it has made it a useful language for […]

Java 7 JDK on Mac OS X

This is one of the things that Apple should be kicked in the shin for. There is no excuse for continuing to completely foul up Java installation on Mac OS X If you are like me, and trying to figure out how to get the Java 7 JDK installed on the latest build, here is […]

On Testing

I really should do a write-up about the CI and code quality infrastructure that I’ve set up, as in recent months it’s really started to pay off for the considerable effort it’s cost. But that’s not what’s on my mind today. Rather I am struck by how easy it is to really stuff up unit […]

Deserialising Lists in Jersey Part II

or “Type Erasure is not your friend” The solution I outlined in my previous has one big drawback (well, two, actually): it does not work. The trouble is that the approach I suggested of having a common generic function to invoke the request with a GenericType resulted in the nested type being erased at run […]

Deserialising Lists with Jersey

I very much like the way in which Jackson and Jersey interact to make building a RESTful interface with objects transported as JSON really, really simple. As an example, if we have on the server side a class like this: then consuming the service is joyfully simple (note that this is a slightly fudged about […]